MON 2/11 -- Optional peer-review day; viewing of The Snowbowl Effect in Cline Assembly Hall at 5:30pm
TUES 2/12 -- Lab day
Homework: Final draft of rhetorical analysis due tomorrow
WED 2/13 -- Essay due; Plato's Cave in CILCTE: BRING BOOK TO CLASS
Homework: The Snowbowl Effect typed responses to questions due tomorrow
THURS 2/14 -- discussion of The Snowbowl Effect
Homework: re-read and write a reading response to Plato due MON
MON 2/18 -- More Plato; introduction to synthesis
Homework: read CILCTE pages xix-xxx AND Freire in CILCTE: synthesis response to both Plato and Freire due WED
TUES 2/19 -- Lab day
Homework: Plato and Freire synthesis response due tomorrow
WED 2/20 -- discussion of Plato and Freire; more synthesis; assign Synthesis Essay
THURS 2/21 -- Introduction to visual literacy
Homework: write a proposal (250 words) for your synthesis essay topic due MON