MON 1/14 -- Introduction to course
Homework: purchase required texts
TUES 1/15 -- Lab class: diagnostic essay
Homework: read and write a response to Taylor's "Generation NeXt" for Thursday
WED 1/16 -- what I'm looking for in a reading response; why we should annotate; grammar introduction
Homework: reading response to Taylor due Thursday
THURS 1/17 -- short quiz on Taylor; discussion; introduction to rhetoric
Homework: read both Rose and Perl and write a combined response for next Wednesday
MON 1/21 -- Martin Luther King, Jr. Day -- NO CLASS
Homework: combined response to Rose and Perl due Wednesday
TUES 1/22 -- Lab class: introduction to process
Homework: combined response to Rose and Perl due tomorrow
WED 1/23 -- discussion of Rose and Perl and responses to in-class writing process; grammar worksheet
Homework: read Lamott in CILCTE for tomorrow
THURS 1/24 --quiz on Lamott; author/audience/purpose, word choice, humor; rhetorical analysis
Homework: read and write a response to Pinker for Monday