Sunday, January 27, 2008

Weeks 3 & 4

MON 1/28 -- More rhetorical analysis
Homework: Response to Pinker due WED, read Godsey in CILCTE for tomorrow/TUES
TUES 1/29 -- Lab class
Homework: Response to Pinker for tomorrow
WED 1/30 -- Pinker and Godsey; more ethos/logos/pathos
Homework: Response to Eighner in CILCTE due MON
THURS 1/31 -- Thesis statements; pulling it all together
Homework: Response to Eighner in CILCTE due MON
MON 2/4 -- Eighner; assign rhetorical analysis essay
Homework: choose text for rhetorical analysis essay for TUES (Godsey, Eighner, or, with my permission, a full page magazine advertisement of your choice); rough draft THURS
TUES 2/5 -- Lab class
Homework: Rough draft of rhetorical analysis essay due THURS
WED 2/6 -- Structure day
Homework: Rough draft for tomorrow
THURS 2/7 -- Rough draft due for peer review
Homework: Final draft of rhetorical analysis due MON
MON 2/11 -- NO CLASS -- Final draft due to my office (LA 133) no later than 1:00pm!
ALSO TODAY, viewing of The Snowbowl Effect in Cline Assembly Hall at 5:30pm

Monday, January 14, 2008

Weeks 1 & 2

MON 1/14 -- Introduction to course
Homework: purchase required texts
TUES 1/15 -- Lab class: diagnostic essay
Homework: read and write a response to Taylor's "Generation NeXt" for Thursday
WED 1/16 -- what I'm looking for in a reading response; why we should annotate; grammar introduction
Homework: reading response to Taylor due Thursday
THURS 1/17 -- short quiz on Taylor; discussion; introduction to rhetoric
Homework: read both Rose and Perl and write a combined response for next Wednesday
MON 1/21 -- Martin Luther King, Jr. Day -- NO CLASS
Homework: combined response to Rose and Perl due Wednesday
TUES 1/22 -- Lab class: introduction to process
Homework: combined response to Rose and Perl due tomorrow
WED 1/23 -- discussion of Rose and Perl and responses to in-class writing process; grammar worksheet
Homework: read Lamott in CILCTE for tomorrow
THURS 1/24 --quiz on Lamott; author/audience/purpose, word choice, humor; rhetorical analysis
Homework: read and write a response to Pinker for Monday

Sunday, January 13, 2008


Hello. Welcome to Patty's ENG 105 class. Our class meets from 12:40 - 1:30pm on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday in LA room 228, and Tuesday in LA room 317. ENG 105 is an introductory class focusing on multiple forms of academic writing (rhetorical analysis, synthesis, argument, and others). In this course, I hope not only to introduce you to the fundamentals of academic writing, but also to the importance of thinking critically about the world around us. We'll have fun, too.


Office hours: Monday 1:30-3:30pm, and Tuesday 3:00-4:00pm in LA room 133

P.S. The title of this blog was taken from the words of Walt Whitman.